Eyes and Ears Connect to Give You Balance.

If you are unbalanced, dizzy,  having trouble Walking and seeing, we can find the disconnect and get you back to where you want to be.


Working with World Class Scientists and Specialist Physicians in London Ontario, we help get you back to doing the things that make life worth living.

Comprehensive testing includes videonystagmography (VNG), rotational chair tests and tests for balance and verticality.

Maintaining balance is controlled by the Vestibular System.   It is made up of the ears (including the 3 semicircular canals and the otolithic organs) and the nerves and muscles that control the eyes.  Together they are responsible for maintaining balance and position.   

A short-circuit in the system caused by an injury to the head and/or neck can cause many symptoms including vertigo, disequilibrium , nausea, vision difficulties, ringing in the ear, difficulty sleeping and headaches, among others.  

Back in Balance (a subsidiary of MRI Appointments)  is pleased to work with world renowned scientists and physicians specializing in vestibular disorders to  offer a uniquely comprehensive vestibular assessment program that will provide a diagnosis for patients experiencing ataxia, disequilibrium and other symptoms.  This program applies to those patients having:

  • head injury
  • motor vehicle collision
  • non-trauma vestibular symptoms
  • valid disability claim
  • valid insurance claim
  • WSIB

If these apply, please visit our services and contact page.

Research.  Science.  Results.